Monday, June 04, 2007


Love is a star that shines so bright,
Love is the moon on a starlit night.
Love is a rainbow on a rainy day,
Love is a tonic that drives the blues away.
Love is the music in the birds that sing,
Love is the flowers that bloom in spring.
Love is a smile on a new born’s face,
Love is a couple in a warm embrace.
Love is the gentle summer breeze,
Love is the emotion you feel when you’re at ease.
Love is so gentle, so kind and so true,
Love is the magic that turns grey skies to blue.
Love is happiness and peace rolled into one,
Love is the laughter that finds time for fun.
Love is forgiving and honest in mind,
Love is a cure for all mankind.

~ W Williamson ~


Unknown said...

Choosing Happiness - Ilchi Lee
“Many people feel that they can only be happy and peaceful when they are given the right circumstances and conditions. However, we can be at peace and be content in this moment now, at this place now. This is our choice. There is nothing that is blocking this choice. Only our thoughts are obscuring this choice. Why can’t we be content and happy without conditions? Enlightenment is a choice that continues from instant to instant, from moment to moment.” This is also how TeamIdeate lives their corporate life. Ilchi is the one that said this! - SRV

Anonymous said...

Thank you

Anonymous said...

I know this is an older post, but I felt moved by it and wanted to say thank you. :)