Sunday, April 29, 2007

A Week Of Learning..!

This week I attended a residential course with 30 others from Devon, Cornwall and Somerset, which was examining the role of 'Intentional Peer Support', and how this could become something we could use not only in working relationships, but in all our dealings with everyone, and with a view to ultimately having mental health services facilitated by peer support groups.

The course is designed by Shery Mead from New Hampshire, in the USA, and we were very fortunate that she was available herself to come teach it, along with her associate and partner Chris Hansen.

I didn't realise I must have had an idea of how the course would 'run' until it really didn't seem to be anything I had obviously pictured. In retorospect I must of assumed I'd have the role of note taking, homeworking and evaluating, when in fact I became part of an organic, supportive and warm peer supportive group.

It was a journey I am very privelidged to have been involved in!

Rather than ramble on about all of the good points etc, I thought I would examine what it has meant for me, and how it has personally impacted upon me, and ultimately, the 'lesson' (for want of a better word)I feel I have learned.

I now feel that in order to recognise my own 'Joy' and need to be able to sit with, and acknowledge my 'Discomfort'.

Dawni (April 2007)

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